1. Here’s my long-awaited health update:
I finally got the results from my blood work, and I’m officially free of any trace of Hepatitis C.
Praise the Lord!
“ The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.” – Ps. 145:9
I apologize to those of you who have been waiting for updates, but the last two months has been a tsunami of waiting. Being seriously ill is often just lying around, feeling miserable, and waiting for news about the current state of affairs or what’s coming in the future.
I also wanted to thank my family, friends, readers and supporters for several things:
– I want to thank everyone for all the thousands upon thousands of faithful and effective prayers over the last few years. I am still with my wife and children because the Lord has answered many prayers. My wife has survived two years of essentially being a single parent. My kids are still happy, and healthy, and I have one more child than when this all began. Through this all, the Lord has sustained us amazingly!
– I want to thank everyone for all the overflowing and exceedingly gracious financial and in-home support we’ve received from all over.
I want to thank all our local friends and coworkers who supported us with groceries and financial assistance when things were tough, and money was tight while I wasn’t able to work.
I want to thank all our long-distance friends and supporters who supported us with financial assistance when things were tough, and money was tight while I wasn’t able to work.
I want to thank all those who gave to the fundraising campaign to raise money for medical expenses, and I especially want to thank Jacey Dean who spear-headed the campaign. That was a dark time, and many people thought I had a month or two to live, but the Lord brought us hope and help through everyone who rallied around us at that point.
I want to thank all the people from various churches in the area, and even outside of our city and province and country, for helping us with all the in-house help, yard work, meals, car-care, babysitting, financial assistance, etc.
It’s been a hard road at times, with me not being able to work and being in rough shape at times, but the Lord used all of you at just the right time to keep us going.
– I want to thank everyone for all your graciousness in bearing with me when I wasn’t good at keeping in touch or when I wasn’t terribly social. There were months on end where I had lost my mind, wasn’t eating, wasn’t sleeping, and was just hanging on day by day. I’m sure I may have snubbed or been thoughtless to more than a few of you, but I don’t remember (and actually do blame it on drugs) and you all bore with me in my illness and craziness.
2. Here’s a second piece of related news:
Now, as these 2+ years of fighting for my life are coming to a close, I’m moving on to something new, but I don’t yet know what it is. My search for ministry work has (as of yet) been unfruitful, but I am off my long-term disability in a matter of weeks. This means that I’m either going to go back to my Bible-College job or find some other secular work. I’m hunting for a grown-up job right now and need to find something in Western Canada soon.
For this, my whole family still covets your prayers and asks that you remember us in this rapid transition time.
3. One last thing:
It’s been a hard past 2+ years, and our family has taken a beating. I’ve made myself busy with writing and getting a miniscule amount of online recognition, but now that too is changing (for the foreseeable future). I need to find work and repair some of the stress fractures that my family has developed over the last 2+ years; my family has had a hard go of things and needs my attention now. For that reason, I’m going to be pulling back from both this blog, the Cripplegate, and a good amount of my social media.
I’ve already made the switch to just tossing a few things on my Facebook Fan Page. Feel free to subscribe there and give it a ‘like’. That will likely become my main outlet for the next little while; I’ll maybe do some micro-blogging here and there (200-400-word posts, maybe once or twice a week).
I’d appreciate your prayers for my wife and kids as I try to pick up the slack and cultivate better care, communication, instruction and example for them all.
Until Next Time (whenever that is),
Lyndon “I’ve been HEALED!” Unger